Sanal Lens
Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Altınsoy
Prof. Dr.

Halil İbrahim Altınsoy

Eye Diseases Specialist
Ankara - Tunus
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  • Bayraktar MZ, Avsever G, Altınsoy Hi, Abbanoğlu F,Önal Y.:Acquired color Discriminator deficiencies due to blue-green and pure laser photocoagulation. Int. Congress of Mil. Med. Comm. 1993 Istanbul.
  • Yıldırım E, Altınsoy Hi, Yakut E.: Objective criteria of control in intermittent exotropia. Transections of 24. European Strabismological Association. Eds. spiritus M. Eolus Pres. 167-172, 1997.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Bayer A. Inferior oblique palsy and treatment results. Joint Meeting European Strabismological Association, Abstract Book; p: 52, Barcelona, Spain, 2000.
  • Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Durukan H, Uysal Y, Bayraktar MZ. Use of augmented rectus muscle transposition surgery for unilateral 6th nerve palsy. 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book, p: 676, Cluj-Napocca, Romania, 2003.
  • Ceyhan D, Mutlu FM, Erduman C, Altınsoy Hİ. V-Pattern exotropia and up-shoot with abnormal lateral rectus insertion. 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book, p: 679, Cluj-Napocca, Romania, 2003.
  • Mutlu FM, Uysal Y, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ. Surgical results of downshoot and upshoots in Duane’s retraction syndrome. 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book, p: 558, Cluj-Napocca, Romania, 2003.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Akın R, Uysal Y, Ünay B, Bayraktar MZ. Aicardi syndrome with pineal gland cyst and ventricular septal defect. 30th Annual Meeting of European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society, Abstract Book, p: 69, Manchester, UK, 2004.
  • Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Ceylan OM, Tuncer K, Altinsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ. Management of diplopia in cases with blow-out fractures. 9th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book, p: 359, Antalya, Turkey, 21-24 June 2004.
  • Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Ceyhan D, Erduman C, Altinsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ. Abnormal lateral rectus insertion associated with V-pattern exotropia and up-shoot. 29. Meeting of the European Strabismological Association, Final program and abstract book, İzmir, 2004, p: 91.
  • Altinsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Uysal Y, Çelebi S. Use of augmented transposition surgery for complex strabismus. 29. Meeting of the European Strabismological Association, Final program and abstract book, İzmir, 2004, p: 38.
  • Ceyhan D, Mumcuoğlu T, Mutlu FM, Altinsoy Hİ. Efficiency and applicability of TNO and titmus stereoacuity tests in healthy children. 9th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. 21-24 June 2004, Abstract book, Antalya, p: 99.
  • Altinsoy Hİ. Mutlu FM, Durukan AH, Şahin ÖF, Bayer A. Childhood cataract surgery and glaucoma: importance of corneal diameter. 30th Annual Meeting of European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society, Abstract book, Manchester, 2004, p: 38.
  • Mutlu FM, Dinçer G, Durukan H, Mumcuoğlu T, Altınsoy Hi.: MRI measurements of horizontal rectus muscles in osotropia: the role of amblyopia. 29th Meeting of The European Strabismological Association, Final program and abstract book, 1-4 June 2004, p: 13.
  • Tomaç S, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Duane retraction syndrome: Its sensorial features. Annual meeting of AAO, Final program, p: 234, Chicago, USA, 2005
  • Tomaç S, Akın T, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Binocularity following surgical correction of longstanding strabismus in adults. ARVO Meeting, 1-5 May 2005, Florida, USA. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005; 46: 2953 Suppl.
  • Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Mumcuoğlu T, Kerimoğlu H, Kılıç S, Kul M, Sarıcı SÜ, Alpay F. Frequency and risk factor analysis for ROP: A Multivariate statistical Analysis. World ROP Meeting, Final Program and Abstract Book, p: 38, Vilnius, Lithuania, 14-16 September 2006
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Mumcuoğlu T, Kerimoğlu H, Kılıç S, Kul M, Sarıcı SÜ, Alpay F. Treatment outcomes of retinopathy of prematurity at a tertiary level hospital in Turkey. World ROP Meeting, Final Program and Abstract Book, p: 168. Vilnius, Lithuania, 14-16 September 2006.
  • Mutlu FM, Demirel A, Gündogan FC, Altinsoy Hl. Optokinetic Nystagmus and Sensorial Tests in Different Types of Strabismus. AAPOS, 2009
  • Mutlu FM, Uysal Y, Ceylan OM, Altinsoy Hi, Bayraktar MZ. Management of diplopia in cases with blow-out fractures. 14th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book, p: 359, Burgas, Bulgaria, 11-14 May 2009.
  • Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hi, Hurmeriç V, Cansu S. Risk Factors for the Development of Threshold ROP in lnfants with ROP. World ROP Congress, Abstract Book, p:73-74. New Delhi, India, 21-23 November 2009.
  • Altınsoy Hi, Mutlu FM, Güngör R, Sobacı G, Sarıcı SU. Combination of Laser Photocoagulation and lntravitreal Bevacizumab in Aggressive Posterior Retinopathy of Prematurity. World ROP Congress, Abstract Book, p: 87. New Delhi, India, 21-23 November 2009.
  • Gökçe G, Ceylan OM, Mumcuoğlu T, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hi. Long-Term outcomes of lnfantile Esotropia After Surgery. 11th Meeting of the lnternational Strabismological Association. Abstract Book, p. 71. Istanbul, 22-25 September 2010.
  • Küçükevcilioğlu M, Ceylan OM, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hi. Infantile Esotropia Over 20 Years of Age. 11th Meeting of the lnternational Strabismological Association. Abstract Book, p: 75. Istanbul, 22-25 September 2010.
  • Mutlu FM, Eryürük B, Erdurman C, Altınsoy Hi. Myectomy Versus Anterior Transposition of the lnferior Oblique Muscle in Unilateral Superior Oblique Paresis. 11th Meeting of the lnternational Strabismological Association. Abstract Book, p: 93. Istanbul, 22-25 September 2010.
  • Altınsoy Hi, Ceylan OM, Gökçe G, Mutlu FM. Management of Lost Medial Rectus Muscle During Strabismus Surgery. 11th Meeting of the lnternational Strabismological Association. Abstract Book, p: 127. Istanbul, 22-25 September 2010.
  • Ceylan OM, Türk A, Erdurman FC, Altinsoy Hi, Mutlu FM. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Peribulbar and Sub-Tenon’s Anaesthesia in Horizontal Strabismus Surgery. 11th Meeting of the lnternational Strabismological Association. Abstract Book, p: 134. Istanbul, 22-25 September 2010.
  • Mutlu FM, Altinsoy Hl, Sobaci G, Gungor R, Sarici SU. lntravitreal Bevacizumab in Aggressive Posterior ROP. AAA & MEACO Annual Meeting. Final Program, p:203. 16-19 October 2010, Chicago, USA.
  • Oral and Poster Presentations at National Congresses
  • Yıldırım C, Altinsoy Hİ: Disassociated Horizontal Deviation, TOD 31st National Congress, 16-20 September 1997.
  • Mutlu FM, Bayer A, Tatar K, Erdem Ü, Altınsoy Hİ. Investigation of the prevalence and causes of amblyopia in pre-school children (Preliminary study). TOD 33rd National Congress (İzmir) Summary Report Book, p: 100, 1999.
  • Mutlu FM, Durukan H, Altınsoy Hİ. Outcomes of Foster’s operation in unilateral 6th nerve palsy. TOD 35th National Congress (İzmir) Summary Report Book, p: 74, 2001.
  • Erdem Ü, Mutlu FM, Hürmeriç V, Altınsoy Hİ. Ascending and descending eye syndromes. TOD 35th National Congress (İzmir) Summary Report Book, p: 145, 2001.
  • Şahin ÖF, Durukan AH, Bayer A, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Glaucoma following childhood cataract surgery: The importance of corneal diameter. TOD 36th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 192, 2002.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Bayer A, Uysal Y. Inferior oblique muscle palsy and outcomes of treatment. TOD 36th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 99, 2002.
  • Salih Altun, A. Hakan Durukan, H.İ. Altınsoy, Yusuf Uysal ,Üzeyir Erdem: Evaluation of eye movements in patients undergoing scleral buckling. TOD 36th National Congress Ankara summary report book, p: B136, 2002.
  • Çelebi S, Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Surgical treatment outcomes in Duane retraction syndrome cases with elevation or depression (upshoot or down-shoot) in adduction. TOD 36th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 99, 2002.
  • Ceyhan D, Durukan H, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Abnormal lateral rectus insertion and up-shoot. TOD 36th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 134, 2002.
  • Dinçer G, Mutlu FM, Bulakbaşı N, Evereklioğlu C, Durukan AH, Altınsoy Hİ, Erdem Ü. Evaluation of the thickness of internal and external rectus muscles with magnetic resonance imaging in subjects with concomitant horizontal strabismus. TOD 37th National Congress (Istanbul) Summary Report Book, p: 109, 2003.
  • Durukan AH, Ceylan M, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Kahraman S, Uysal Y. Ocular findings in four subjects with craniopharyngioma and the importance of eye examination. TOD 37th National Congress (Istanbul) Summary Report Book, p: 158, 2003
  • Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Akın R, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ. Aicardi syndrome: The importance of ocular findings. TOD 37th National Congress (Istanbul) Summary Report Book, p: 157, 2003.
  • Tomaç S, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Binocularity in Duane retraction syndrome. TOD 38th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 188, 2004.
  • Tomaç S, Akın T, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Postoperative binocularity in adult patients with prolonged strabismus. TOD 38th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 108, 2004.
  • Mumcuoğlu T, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Alpay F, Kul M. Risk factors and follow-up outcomes in retinopathy of prematurity. TOD 38th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 120, 2004.
  • Altinsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Mumcuoğlu T. Outcomes of augmented transposition surgery of rectus muscles in subjects with unilateral 6th nerve palsy. TOD 38th National Congress (Ankara) Summary Report Book, p: 109, 2004.
  • Akay F, Mutlu FM, Hürmeriç V, Altınsoy HI. Long-term Outcomes of Bilateral Internal Rectus Muscle Recession for Infantile Esotropia. TOD 39th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 132, 2005.
  • Erdurman C, Mumcuoğlu T, Dervişoğulları S, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Outcomes of infantile cataract treatment. TOD 39th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 116, 2005.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Erdurman C, Erdem Ü, Mutlu FM. Congenital bilateral superior oblique paresis. TOD 39th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 319, 2005.
  • Halili İ, Hürmeriç V, Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Bayraktar MZ. Synergistic convergence developing after a firearm injury. TOD 39th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 312, 2005.
  • Erdurman C, Altınsoy Hİ, Uysal Y, Mumcuoğlu T, Mutlu FM, Bayraktar MZ. Aponeurosis folding method in ptosis cases. TOD 39th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 292, 2005.
  • Gündoğan FÇ, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Sobacı G, Bayraktar MZ. Pattern VEP testing in determination of objective visual acuity in pediatric amblyopia. TOD 40th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 147, 2006.
  • Ceylan OM, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Diplopia associated with dental and sinus surgery: Temporary diplopia caused by local anesthesia. TOD 40th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 326, 2006.
  • Civelekler M, Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Halili İ, Aydemir O, Bayraktar MZ. Evaluation of subjects with double elevator palsy. TOD 40th National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 333, 2006.
  • Altınsoy Hi, Mutlu FM, Hürmeriç V. A simple transposition method in 6th nerve paralysis and unilateral upward gaze limitation: Results. 502-94/262. TOD 43rd National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 193-194, 2009.
  • Mutlu FM, Altınsoy HI. Cases of strabismus developing after sinus surgery: Diagnosis and Treatment. 502-94/256. TOD 43rd National Congress (Antalya) Summary Report Book, p: 191, 2009.
  • Gökçe G, Ceylan OM, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hi. Clinical characteristics and treatment approaches in unilateral elevation insufficiency. SOZ-ŞA/212. TOD 44th National Congress, Summary Report Book, p: 182, 2010.
  • Küçükevcilioğlu M, Mutlu FM, Sarıcı SU, Ceylan OM, Altınsoy Hi, Çekmez F. Retinopathy of Prematurity: Ten-year summary. SOZ-TRl246. TOD 45th National Congress (Cyprus), Summary Report Book, p: 197, 2011.
  • Publications in International Journals
  • Özata, M.; Bolu, E., Şengül, A., Altınsoy, H.İ., Turan, M., Çorakçı, A., Hacıbektaşoğlu, A., Gündoğan, M.A.: Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 concentrations in patients with subacute thyroiditis and in patients with Graves Disease with or without ophtalmopathy. Endocrine Journal 1996. 43 (5) 517-525.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Yıldırım C, Mutlu FM. The role of distance stereopsis and foveal fusion in the surgical treatment of intermittent exotropia. Transections of 24th European Strabismological Association. Ed; Spiritus M, Æolus Press, 1997, p: 173-178.
  • Yıldırım, C., Altınsoy, H.İ., Yakut, E.: Distance stereacuity norms for the mentor. B.VAT.II-Sg video acuity tester in young children and young adults. Journal of AAPOS. 2(1):26-32. 1997.
  • Mutlu FM, Bilge AH, Altınsoy Hİ, Yumuşak E. The role of capsulotomy and intraocular lens type on tilt and decentration of polymethylmethacrylate and foldable acrylic lenses. Ophthalmologica 1998; 212: 359-63.
  • Yıldırım C, Mutlu FM, Yin Chen, Altınsoy Hİ. Assessment of foveal fusion and distance stereoacuity in surgery for intermittent exotropia. Am J Ophthalmol 1999; 128 (2): 222-30.
  • Yıldırım, C., Altınsoy, H.İ. Distance alternate-letter suppression test for objective assessment of sensorial status in intermittent exotropia. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 10:4-10.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Bayer A.; Inferior oblique Palsy and treatment results. Transections of 26th European Strabismological Association. Ed; de Faber JT, Swets and Zeitlinger, Steanwijk, 2001, p: 134-137.
  • Altinsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM, Uysal Y, Çelebi S. Use of augmented transposition surgery for complex strabismus. Transections of 29th European Strabismological Association. Ed; de Faber, JT Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2005, p: 185-187.
  • Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Ceyhan D, Erdurman C, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ. Abnormal lateral rectus insertion associated with V-pattern exotropia and up shoot. Transections of 29th European Strabismological Association. Ed; de Faber, JT Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2005, p: 355-358.
  • Mutlu FM, Akın R, Uysal Y, Ünay B, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ. Aicardi syndrome: an unusual case associated with pineal gland cyst and ventricular septal defect. J Child Neurology 2006; 21:1082-4.
  • Tomaç S, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy HI. Duane’s retraction syndrome: its sensory features. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2007; 27:579-83.
  • Mutlu FM, Altinsoy HI, Mumcuoğlu T, Kerimoglu H, Kilic S, Kul M, Sarici SÜ, Alpay F; Screening for retinopathy of prematurity in a tertiary care newborn unit in Turkey: Frequency, outcomes and risk factor analysis; J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2008 Sep-Oct; 45 (5):291-8.
  • Mutlu FM, Altınsoy HI, Mumcuoglu T, Kerimoglu H, Kılıç S, Kul M, Sarıcı SÜ, Alpay F. Screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity in a Tertiary Care Newborn Unit in Turkey: Frequency, Outcomes, and Risk Factor Analysis. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2008; 45 (8):
  • Gok F, Mutlu FM, Sarr E, Demirkaya E, Altrnsoy Hl, Bernd W. Congenital Absence of Salivary and Lacrimal Glands Accompanied by Growth and Development Retardation. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2009 10:1-3.
  • Ceylan OM, Mutlu FM, Altinsoy Hi. Transient binocular diplopia as a rare complication of local anesthesia. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2010:47.38 1-2.
  • Gundogan FC, Mutlu FM, Altinsoy Hi, Tag A, Oz O, Sobaci G. Pattern visual evoked potentials in the assessment of objective visual acuity in amblyopic children. lnt Ophthalmol 2010.
  • Altinsoy Hi, Mutlu FM, Gungor R, Sarici SU. Combination of Laser Photocoagulation and lntravitreal Bevacizumab in Aggressive Posterior Retinopathy of Prematurity. J Ophthalmic Surg Lasers & lmaging 2010; 1-5.
  • Saldir M, Sarici SÜ, Mutlu FM, Mocan C, Altinsoy, Ozcan O; An analysis of neonatal risk factors associated with the development of ophthalmologic problems at infancy and early childhood: a study of premature infants born at or before 32 weeks of gestation. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2010; 47 (6):331-337.
  • Turk A, Ceylan OM, Arici C, Keskin S, Erdurman C, Durukan AH, Mutlu FM, Altinsoy Hİ; Evaluation of the nerve fiber layer and macula in the eyes of healthy children using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography; Am J Ophthalmol. 2011 Oct 22, p:1-7.
  • Erdurman FC, Hurmeriç V, Gokçe G, Durukan AH, Sobaci G, Altinsoy HI; Ocular injuries from improvised explosive devices; Eye (Lond). 2011 Nov; 25 (11):1491-8.
  • Ceylan OM, Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Tuncer K, Altinsoy Hi. Management of diplopia in patients with blowout fractures. Indian J Ophthalmol 2011; 599:461-4.
  • Publications in National Journals
  • Altınsoy Hi, Tuncer K, Mutlu FM, Yıldırım E. Outcomes of ptosis surgery using an aponeurosis folding method. Turkish Clinics Ophthalmology 1998; 7:104-6.
  • Mutlu FM, Tosuncuk A, Yıldırım C, Altınsoy Hi. Refraction and corneal topography changes following strabismus surgery. Medical Network Ophthalmology 1999; 6:266-70.
  • Mutlu FM, Bayer A, Ürdem Ü, Altınsoy Hİ. Descending and ascending eye syndromes: The importance of the three step test. Medical Network Ophthalmology 2002; 9:405-407.
  • Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayer A. Inferior oblique muscle palsy and outcomes of treatment. Medical Network Ophthalmology 2003; 10: 75-78.
  • Çelebi S, Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Surgical treatment outcomes in Duane retraction syndrome cases with elevation (upshoot) or depression (downshoot) in adduction. Medical Network Ophthalmology; 2003: 165-169.
  • Durukan AH, Mutlu FM, Şahin ÖF, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayer A, Çelik Y. Importance of corneal diameter in subjects developing glaucoma after infantile cataract surgery. Gülhane Medical Journal 2005; 47:94-96.
  • Mutlu FM, Durukan AH, Dinçer G, Bulakbaşı N, Evereklioğlu C, Altınsoy Hİ, Erdem Ü. Evaluation of the thickness of internal and external rectus muscles with magnetic resonance imaging in subjects with horizontal strabismus: The effect of amblyopia. Gülhane Medical Journal 2005; 47:97-101.
  • Tomaç S, Avsever G, Uysal Y, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Scoring of surgical results in congenital superior oblique palsy using the field of single binocular vision and a Lee screen.Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 33:15-20.
  • Maden A, Işık T, Altınsoy Hİ: Psychological aspects of ocular diseases. New Journal of Medicine 4 (2) 32-36, 1987.
  • Sanaç A.Ş, Altınsoy Hİ, Öğüt M.: The use of botulinum toxin A in ophthalmology. Ed. Doğan, Ö.K. et al. 32nd Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Konya. 498-503,1988.
  • Bayraktar MZ, Sobacı G, Altınsoy Hİ, Temel M; Dark adaptation and visual field changes in early diabetic retinopathy. Ed. Köker Ö. F. et al. 23rd Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Adana, 97-99, 1989.
  • Bayraktar MZ, Sobacı G, Altınsoy H.İ., Gül A.; Evaluation of color vision defects using the 100 Hue test in early diabetic retinopathy. Ed. Köker Ö.F. et al. 23rd Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Adana 100-102, 1989.
  • Ergin A, Bayraktar MZ, Sobacı G, Altınsoy Hİ.: Outcomes of laser photocoagulation in subjects with diabetic retinopathy. Ed. Köker Ö.F. et al. 23rd Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Adana 116-119, 1989.
  • Ergin A, Bayraktar MZ, Sobacı G, Altınsoy Hİ.: Outcomes of treatment by location of lesions in central/branch retinal vein occlusions. Ed. Köker Ö.F. et al. 23rd Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Adana 116-119, 1989.
  • Sobacı G, Yıldırım E, Altınsoy Hİ, Bilge AH.; Follow-up of macular functions using the FM-100 Hue test in pseudophakia. Ed. Köker Ö.F. et al. 23rd Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Adana 150-152, 1989.
  • Sobacı G, Yıldırım E, Bilge AH, Altınsoy Hİ.: Investigation of visual quality in the pseudophakic. Ed. Köker Ö.F. et al. 23rd Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Adana 153-155, 1989.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ, Kocabeyoğlu Ö, Koyu H, Emektaş G.: Investigation of toxoplasma and CMV immunoglobulin levels in non-specific retinal hemorrhages. Ed. Günalp, İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 1. 20-22, 1990.
  • Bayraktar MZ, Altınsoy Hİ, Temel M: Color defects developing at an early period in age-related macular degeneration. Ed. Günalp İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 1. 172-174, 1990.
  • Mulun M, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ, Karagül S, Gül A.: Angiographic changes and acquired color vision defects in retinitis pigmentosa cases. Ed. Günalp İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 1. 175-176, 1990.
  • Temel M, İlker SS, Yıldırım E, Altınsoy Hİ, Altınsoy Hİ, Karagül S: Intraocular lens strength calculations and clinical results. Ed. Günalp İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 1. 210-213, 1990.
  • Yıldırım E, Bilge AH, İlker SS, Altınsoy Hİ, Mulun M.: Initial results of radial keratotomy. Ed. Günalp İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 1. 466-470, 1990.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Yıldırım E, İlker SS, Bilge AH.: Outcomes with percutaneous approach and adjustable levator advancement technique in congenital eyelid ptosis. Ed. Günalp İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 1. 49-53, 1990.
  • Ergin A, İlker SS, Bilge AH, Altınsoy Hİ, Koyu H.: Comparison of various methods in the treatment of chalazion. Ed. Günalp İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 2. 63-65, 1990.
  • Öztürk M, Bayraktar MZ, Altınsoy Hİ,: Idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy and choroidal circulation. Ed. Günalp İ. et al. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, Volume 2. 196-197, 1990.
  • Koyu H. İlker SS, Yıldırım H, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayraktar MZ.: Laboratory findings in uveitis. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Ankara, 129-130, 1990.
  • Bayraktar MZ, Abbanoğlu F, Karagül S, Altınsoy Hİ.: Outcomes of photocoagulation in AMD cases. TOD 25th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Istanbul Volume 2. 42-45, 1991.
  • Bayraktar MZ, Altınsoy Hİ, Karagül S, Tuncer K, Öztürk F.: Outcomes of photocoagulation in subjects with angiomatosis retinae. 24th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Istanbul Volume 2. 188-189, 1991.
  • Sobacı G, İlker SS, Tuncer K, Altınsoy Hİ., Yıldırım E, Öztürk F.: Visual threshold values and effects of glare after radial keratotomy.Turkish Clinics Ophthalmology Journal. 1 (2):170-172, 1992.
  • İlker SS, Sobacı G, Demirci D, Tuncer K, Altınsoy Hİ, Yıldırım E, Güler M.: Diabetic retinopathy and trace elements. Turkish Clinics Ophthalmology Journal. 1 (4):312-314, 1992.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Karagül S, Tuncer K, İlker SS, Sobacı G, Yıldırım E.: Surgical treatment in Duane syndrome with elevation in adduction. Turkish Clinics Ophthalmology Journal. 1 (4):323-325, 1992.
  • Avsever G, Altınsoy Hİ, Bayer A. Surgical treatment in congenital superior oblique paralysis.24th National Congress Bulletin. Marmaris, Volume 1. 131-138, 1993.
  • Önal S, Altınsoy Hİ, Durukan H. Distant stereoacuity measurement and its significance in intermittent exotropia. Ed. Doğan ÖK et al. 29th Turkish National Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin, Antalya, Volume 2. 488-490, 1994.
  • Yıldırım C, Altınsoy Hİ.: Disassociated horizontal deviation, Medical Network Journal, 1997.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Tuncer K, Mutlu FM, Yıldırım E.: Outcomes of ptosis surgery using an aponeurosis folding method. Ophthalmology 7:104-106, 1998.
  • Altınsoy Hİ.: Paralytic strabismus, MN Ophthalmology 4:393-403, 1997.
  • Yıldırım C, Yakut E, Altınsoy Hİ.: Ocular findings in Alport syndrome. Ophthalmology 7:134-137, 1998.
  • Erdem Ü, Mutlu FM, Tatar K, Altınsoy Hİ. Investigation of the prevalence and causes of amblyopia in pre-school children. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2004; 3:202-12.
  • Ceyhan D, Emre S, Çelik Y, Mumcuoğlu T, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Ophthalmological and sensory findings in people with anisometropic amblyopia. MN Ophthalmology 2007; 14:120-4.
  • Mumcuoğlu T, Akay F, Hürmeriç V, Ceyhan D, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Late outcomes of bilateral internal rectus muscle recession for infantile esotropia. T Clin Ophthalmology 2008; 17:21-6.
  • Durukan AH, Ceylan OM, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ, Uysal Y. Ocular findings in four subjects with craniopharyngioma and the importance of eye examination in diagnosis. Gülhane Medical Journal 2004; 46:175-179.
  • Mutlu FM, Bayer A, Erdem Ü, Altınsoy Hİ. Descending and ascending eye syndromes: The importance of the three step test. MN Ophthalmology 2002; 9:405-7.
  • Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hİ. Pediatric cataracts and their rehabilitation. T Clin Pediatric Sciences 2005; 1:23-8.
  • Altınsoy Hİ, Mutlu FM. Cyclovertical strabismus. T Clin Surgical Medical Sciences-Ophthalmology (J Surg Med Sci) 2006; 2:33-7.
  • Arıcı C, Turk A, Ceylan M, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hi. Comparison of refractive defects measured with Plusoptix S08, Potec PRK-6000 and Nidek ARK-30 automatic refractometers in school-age children and adult population. TJO 2010; 4Q:328-32.
  • Altınsoy Hi, Mutlu FM. Cyclovertical strabismus. T Clin Surgical Medical Sciences-Ophthalmology (J Surg Med Sci) 2006; 2:33-7.
  • Sarıcı U, Mutlu FM, Altınsoy Hi. Retinopathy of prematurity. Turkish Pediatric Journal 2008; 51:51-61.
  • Hürmeriç V, Halili I, Altınsoy Hi, Mutlu FM, Bayraktar MZ. Synergistic convergence developing after a firearm injury. Gülhane Medical Journal 2008; 50:223-5.