Проф. д-р
Orhan Elibol
Eye Diseases Specialist
Place and Date of Birth
- Ankara, 1963
Language Skills
- English
Education and Experience
- 1987 Gazi University School of Medicine, Medical Doctor
- 1991 Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine, Department of Eye Diseases (specialization)
- 1996 Kingston Hospital, The Royal Eye Unit - London
- 1996 Moorfields Eye Hospital, Strabismus and Paediatric Service - London
- 1997 Kocaeli University School of Medicine, Department of Eye Diseases, Eye Diseases (Assoc. Prof.)
- 2005 Western Eye Hospital, Oculoplastic and Orbital Clinic - London
- 2006 Kocaeli University School of Medicine, Department of Eye Diseases, Eye Diseases (Prof.)
Number of Scientific Publications
- More than 110 scientific publications.
Case Experience
- Experience with more than 10,000 surgical cases during 21 years of active service as an ophthalmologist.
- TOD (Turkish Society of Ophthalmology)
- TMA (Turkish Medical Association)
- Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Unit
- Oculoplasty Unit
- ESA (European Strabismus Association)